Over $30 million in funded literacy grants such as Innovative Approaches to Literacy, Early Reading First, Improving Literacy through School Libraries, and Striving Readers.
Over $32 million in funded Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM), and Education, Innovation and Research (EIR) grants for programs such as Investing in Innovation, Department of Defense Education Activity, Innovation Fund, Youth CareerConnect, and National Science Foundation.
Teacher Effectiveness
Over $108 million in funded grants for teacher and leader effectiveness initiatives including Teacher and School Leader Incentive Program, Teacher Incentive Fund, Teacher Quality Partnership, School Leadership Program, Professional Development for Arts Educators, National Professional Development Program, Investing in Innovation, EIR, and Supporting Effective Educator Development.
Workforce Development
Over $38 million in workforce development funding through programs including Youth CareerConnect, Investing in Innovation, Georgia Innovation Fund, Race to the Top-District, and Department of Defense Education Activity.
Mental Health
Over $106 million in funded grants addressing the needs of the whole child such as School Climate Transformation, Project Prevent, Investing in Innovation, EIR, Elementary and Secondary School Counseling, Mental Health Service Professionals, and School-Based Mental Health.
Post-Secondary Readiness
Over $90 million in funded grants focusing on high school reform and post-secondary readiness including GEAR UP, Smaller Learning Communities, Advanced Placement Incentive Program, Investing in Innovation, Extended School Year Start-Up, and High School Graduation Initiative.
Personalized Learning
Over $20 million in Race to the Top-District funding focusing on individualized, personalized learning strategies using a blended learning approach with 1:1 devices.
Health and Human Services
Over $12 million in federal grants for a variety of departments focusing on health care, physical education, AIDS prevention, homelessness, and support for veterans.
Early Childhood/After-School
Over $40 million in funded grants, focusing on early childhood, such as Head Start and Early Reading First, and 21st Century Community Learning Centers and After-School Quality Improvement that serve K-8.
School Choice
Over $83 million in federal grants funded focusing on innovation and magnet schools including Magnet Schools Assistance Program.